Thepnevmatikovzorec izboljša elastičnost tekalne plasti v stiku s tlemi. Pod vplivom tangencialne sile (kot so pogonska sila, zavorna sila in prečna sila) med tekalno plastjo in cestno površino lahko blok vzorca povzroči večjo tangencialno elastično deformacijo. S povečanjem tangencialne sile se tangencialna deformacija poveča, poveča pa se tudi "učinek trenja" kontaktne površine, s čimer se prepreči drsenje ali drsenje tekalne plasti na površini ceste. To v veliki meri odpravlja pomanjkljivosti vzorca (lahka tekalna plast)pnevmatikethat are easy to slip, making the car performance related to the friction between the pnevmatikoand the road surface-dynamic, braking, steering and driving safety There is a reliable guarantee for normal performance. Studies have shown that the factors that produce the friction between the tread and the road surface also include the adhesion between the two sides, the molecular gravitational effect, and the new micro-cutting effect of the pavement's small rain on the surface of the tread. However, its main role is What is still the elastic deformation of the pattern block.