Potem gre za problem okvare pnevmatik. Uspešnostpnevmatikeima določeno življenjsko dobo in se bo še naprej poslabšala. Ko pnevmatika doseže določeno stopnjo propada, bo avtomobilu povzročila določeno škodo.
Then, it is often inspected from time to time. As we all know, pnevmatike have a certain tire pressure. Different seasons have different effects on pnevmatike. In summer, if the tire pressure is too high, it will come in contact with hot places. , It may cause a puncture, so there is a high probability of causing an accident. Moreover, it is known that heavy trucks have multiple pnevmatike, and the degree of wear of the pnevmatike in each part is different, so you must always Check the degree of wear of each tire, check its scratches, damage between the gaps, and then you can change the position of the tire, if the degree of wear of each tire is similar, it can extend the common pnevmatike Long service life, which also saves money for replacing new pnevmatike.
Končno gre za težavo s pregledom pred odhodom iz avtomobila. Sem spadajo številne stvari, na primer tlak v pnevmatikah in stopnja prask, ki vam lahko pomagajo preprečiti nevarnost.